Therapy using
Neurofunctional Acupuncture
In the concept of functional acupuncture, I aim to release the muscle from tension and restore it to normal function in order to eliminate inflammation, pain and muscle dysfunction.
A system for diagnosing and treating persistent pain syndromes within the myofascial structures (problems with muscles, joints, tendons, bursae, fascia, and biomechanical problems).
s quick pain relief,
increasing muscle strength ,
improving the range of joint movement ,
restoration of normal proprioception,
relaxing tense muscles,
improvement of blood circulation,
brings the muscle out of motor inhibition ,
reducing neurogenic inflammation,
return to normal movement pattern.
This therapy restores normal muscle function.
By combining several work concepts, a global concept was created, which is Neurofunctional Acupuncture. / Motor Point Acupuncture, which restores normal muscle function, increases joint mobility and simultaneously reduces or eliminates pain and inflammation in tendons.
This therapy is painless and very effective. Effective acupuncture needle techniques combined with current generated by specialist portable devices, which enable stimulation that gives positive results (all devices have the necessary safety certificates and approvals).
This method is based on the neuropathic model and involves puncturing motor points , which are located outside the trigger points in the pain projection area.
Neurofunctional acupuncture has proven to be extremely effective in combating chronic dysfunctions and is one of the most effective techniques I have ever encountered.
excessive muscle tension,
shoulder, neck, back, hip pain,
tension headaches,
motor control disorders,
restrictions on movement in joints,
back pain (sciatica / femoral pain),
tendinous and fascial tendinopathies.
r pacemaker !!
pregnancy !
all kinds of cancers,
open wounds, inflammations and skin infections,
mental illness,
Needlephobia :)
children under 10 years of age.